Canvas Administration

Canvas, Yale University’s Learning Management System (LMS), supports teaching and learning in an online modality as an extension of the in-person classroom experience, as well as stand-alone asynchronous learning experiences. To successfully manage Canvas the Poorvu Center, ITS, University Registrars Office (URO), professional school registrars, and many other academic support staff collaborate to configure, support, test, and troubleshoot the LMS to ensure it is serving the educational mission of the University.

Utilize the following support resources to learn more about when Canvas course sites are created, requesting Canvas admin access to support courses, what types of Canvas course sites are available, and troubleshooting Banner (SIS) / Canvas issues.

Login Support?

Reference our Account Access documentation for guidance on logging into Canvas @ Yale.

View Documentation

Instructor Resources

  • Alternatives to Canvas @ Yale

    Depending on your needs, there are other solutions that may better suit your situation than using Canvas for project and/or non-degree course site.

  • Course Creation Timing

    Each semester academic Canvas course sites are created once the course data is completed by registrars. 

  • Types of Canvas Sites

    Canvas is used for many different programs, events, and purposes at Yale. Learn more about the types of Canvas course sites available.

Registrar Resources

Canvas Admin Resources