Troubleshooting Banner-Canvas Issues

Changes in Banner can have major impacts on downstream systems like Canvas. Below are some common issues that Registrars may encounter or find due to how Banner and Canvas work together. 

Canvas syncs banner data every 2-4 hours. After changes are made, check in 2-4 hours to see if the change appears in Canvas.

If the problem persists past 2-4 hours and is not associated with the other troubleshooting issues identified below, please contact to investigate further on the Canvas side to rule out any issues with how Canvas ingests Banner data.

Making modifications to course offering data like the primary / secondary designation on cross-listed courses (or section number) after a semester has started is not recommended as it will delete the existing course. Instructor and student data in the Canvas course will be lost.

When the primary / secondary designation on cross-listed courses changes, the Canvas course site with the wrong / old data will be deleted, along with all of the course site content that the instructor may have already added / created, and a new course site will be created in its place on Canvas.

If there is already content (but not student data like assignment / discussion forum submissions and grades) in the Canvas course site, please reach out to to coordinate the update to avoid / mitigate deleting any work the instructor may have done.

If the course is being taught by a new instructor or an instructor that has not taught in a number of years, the instructor’s record may need to be created or updated in Banner. If this is the case, please email for assistance.

NOTE: The Registrar’s Office can not update or create a record until the instructor has a teaching appointment.

Check the instructor assignment entry. In some cases, you may need to verify that the person added as the instructor is accurate. If there are multiple people with the same first and last name, you may need to confirm the email address, NetID, and UPI number included in the course record is for the appropriate person.

If the instructor information is all correct and they still are not appearing in Canvas, please contact to investigate further on the Canvas side to rule out any issues with how Canvas ingests Banner data.

The course site title in Canvas is created and set at the moment when the site is first created, however, instructors and some other Canvas admin users can edit a course site’s title manually in Canvas. When the Canvas course site’s name has been changed manually, the course name in Canvas will no longer update after a change to the systems of record. This is to ensure that intentional modifications to the course site’s title made by instructors in Canvas are not overwritten every time Canvas syncs.

If a course title needs to be changed on the Canvas course site, the instructor or a registrar / local support person with Canvas admin access can follow the instructions found in the Changing Your Course Name and Course Number in Canvas support article.